Mamba On Sina

Kobe Bryant On Sina As NBA Guest Analyst

Kobe Bryant took part of a LiveStream for Sina, a Chinese Twitter-like platform, during Game 3 of the 2015 NBA Finals last night.

Kobe spoke on a number of topics and said he was doing well in his recovery, with a self-estimated time of a 1-1.5 months before actually shooting the basketball.

The mental strength comes from being able to separate the moment. When you are in the Finals, at some point you have to let go of the big stage. You can’t think about that. You just have to think about execution. You have to think about basketball plays, tactics.
Lastly, Kobe announced a new partnership with Alibaba Group and Sina, as well as a new version of ‘Kobe Bryant’s Muse’ especially for China.
The interview was conducted from Bryant’s home, prior to Game 3 of the NBA Finals and following the Cavaliers victory in Cleveland.

Published by: Lakers Nation
June 10th, 2015



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